Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Peacemaking: Paralysis in Analysis

View of the not-so-little town of Bethlehem.

Today I wrote a check. I put a stamp on a letter. It went into the mailbox.

A few days ago, I finally sent a card to my new friends, a Rabbi and his wife.

And today, at long last, I write.

Enough! Enough perseverating!

Hope versus Doubt
Peacemaking is hard because it's an internal battle between the inner voice of Hope and all of the voices of Doubt. The outside voices of Hope are quiet and few. When you come across them, the courage inside rises and it again becomes worthwhile to want to join the rumble of those who share your discontent with the world, its conflicts and violence.

All of this stirs, as the strings around the neck of the occupation in Israel are pulling in. Israelis and Palestinians are acting out of paranoid fear and anger. My Facebook newsfeed from those who live there have been eerily silent. What holds back their posts? Why are their cries silent?

Doubt held me captive. "It won't make a difference anyway." "Why risk your family?" "Who would listen to you anyway?" "Nothing you can do is enough, so why bother?" "Other people who are more important are already helping." "People don't want to hear about it." "Nobody else cares."

Hope spoke to me this morning. It was louder than Doubt because I'm sick of knowing I could have done something. Something! Anything!

This morning it didn't matter if what I do makes a difference or was the perfect thing, or if anyone hears about it. Only my conscience needed to know that I didn't leave the brochure in the pile, the thank you card unwritten, the words concealed in my heart.

And God knows that I brought to Him my basket of fishes and loaves.

In a few weeks, there will be a stack of 50 Advent devotionals** on my doorstep from the "Little Town of Bethlehem." It was written by those who have lived there, worshipped there, and who hunger to follow Jesus in our day. Then I have to figure out what to do with them. One step at a time, I guess.

**Each booklet provides support for magnifying the voices of Hope in the Holy Land through Bright Stars of Bethlehem. I'm happy to send one to you. It's on me.

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